Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" 3yo or more (3a+) 1200m Arena (Barrosa) 15:15 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $7.000 Claiming: CAD $6.250
CAD $4.200 al 1ro - CAD $1.400 al 2do - CAD $700 al 3ro - CAD $350 al 4to - CAD $140 al 5to - CAD $120 al 6to - CAD $120 al 7mo - CAD $120 al 8vo - CAD $120 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Shannon Beauregard, (2°) Ridge Balgobin, (3°) Dane Nelson, (4°) Shamaree Muir, (5°) Richard Lunan, (6°) Renaldo Cumberbatch, (7°) Damario Bynoe, (8°) Keishan Balgobin, (9°) Jodeien Anderson
Preparadores: (1°) Ron Grieves, (2°) Jerri R. Robertson, (3°) George R. Scott, (4°) Joan Petrowski, (5°) Craig R. Smith, (6°) Ron David, (7°) Deanna Walper, (8°) James Wyness, (9°) Joan Petrowski
Studs: (1°) Central City Stable and Bar None Ranches, Ltd., (2°) Kane, Tim, Chieffo, Heather and Robertson, Jerri R., (3°) Kluth, Byron and Rose, (4°) Viking Stable, (5°) Kropp, Janet and Gary, (6°) Ron David, (7°) Elliott, Madeleine, Langois, Antoine, Oxley, Sandy, Poliakiwski, Blair, (8°) James Wyness, (9°) Demers, Mickey, Mailloux, Gary and Viking Stable
Criadores: (1°) Whitewood Farm, (2°) Pierre Esquirol, (3°) Byron Kluth & Rose Kluth, (4°) Wes Hanson & Jenn Hanson, (5°) C. W. Matier, (6°) Bar None Ranches Ltd., (7°) Reece Bloodstock, (8°) Helen Klimes, (9°) Highfield Investment Group
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