Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" 3yo or more (3a+) 1700m Arena (Barrosa) 14:15 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $7.500 Claiming: CAD $6.250
CAD $4.500 al 1ro - CAD $1.500 al 2do - CAD $750 al 3ro - CAD $375 al 4to - CAD $150 al 5to - CAD $120 al 6to - CAD $120 al 7mo - CAD $120 al 8vo - CAD $120 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Rigo Sarmiento, (2°) Larry Munoz, (3°) Scott Williams, (4°) Rey Williams, (5°) Renaldo Cumberbatch, (6°) Keishan Balgobin, (7°) Leobardo C. Espinoza, (8°) Prayven Badrie, (9°) Ridge Balgobin
Preparadores: (1°) Allen Goodsell, (2°) Gordon R. Buehler, (3°) Cory Rumsey, (4°) Rodney J. Cone, (5°) Rodney J. Cone, (6°) James Wyness, (7°) Daniel T. Jones, (8°) Don Schnell, (9°) Rod Heggie
Studs: (1°) Peter Duri, (2°) Dino Helfenstein, (3°) Page, Diana and Young, Norman, (4°) Indyrock Racing, (5°) Kugler, Garry and Lauri, (6°) James Wyness, (7°) Daniel T. Jones, (8°) Free Spirit Farm, (9°) Blue, Don, Ganter, Colin and Giggs, Robert
Criadores: (1°) Mr. & Mrs. Peter Duri, (2°) Darcy Peterson & Helen Reynolds, (3°) Mr. & Mrs. Norman A.Young, (4°) Wally T. M. Pugh & Andy Stronach, (5°) Riversedge Racing Stables Ltd., (6°) Crystal Meadows Farm, (7°) C. Kidder & N. Cole, (8°) Amanda Bennett, (9°) John Galatiuk
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