Jinetes: (1°) Roimes Chirinos, (2°) Jansen Melancon, (3°) Santiago Gonzalez, (4°) Casey R. Chavez, (5°) Isaias D. Enriquez, (6°) Alejandro Medellin, (7°) Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr., (8°) Miguel A. Perez, (9°) Luis R. Rodriguez, (10°) Tracy J. Hebert
Preparadores: (1°) Dallas J. Barton, (2°) Todd W. Fincher, (3°) Todd W. Fincher, (4°) Jimmy C. Collier, (5°) Casey T. Lambert, (6°) Willie C. Padilla, (7°) Dallas J. Barton, (8°) Clifford C. Lambert, Sr., (9°) Gerald E. Marr, (10°) Rodney C. Richards
Studs: (1°) Mike H. Carson, (2°) Dale F. Taylor Racing, LLC., (3°) R. Lee Lewis, (4°) Ford and Sorenson Racing, (5°) Riley, Martin, Carroll, D., Scott, C. and Howard, J., (6°) Marmolejo, Cesar D. and Ronquillo, Azucena, (7°) Carson, Sr. W. D., Carson, M. H. and Leach Racing LLC, (8°) Clifford C. Lambert, Sr., (9°) Gerald E. Marr, (10°) Yarbar, Ritchie W., Nichols, Dick and Coombs, Billy Joe
Criadores: (1°) M. H. Carson, (2°) Dale Taylor, (3°) Lee Lewis, (4°) Warren Franklin, (5°) Dr. Patricia Davis, (6°) Pam Allen & Charles Cobb, (7°) Jane Wiggins, (8°) Clifford C. Lambert Sr., (9°) Gerald E. Marr, (10°) Fred Alexander, Brad King & Todd Fincher
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