Jinetes: (1°) Ry Eikleberry, (2°) Luis Negron, (3°) Elvin Gonzalez, (4°) Tracy J. Hebert, (5°) Alejandro Medellin, (6°) Casey R. Chavez, (7°) Ricardo Jaime
Preparadores: (1°) Tony Blea, III, (2°) Robyne H. Draper, (3°) Miguel L. Hernandez, (4°) Jose R. Gonzalez, Jr., (5°) Danny Morales, (6°) Gerald E. Marr, (7°) Paul A. Smith
Studs: (1°) Gherardi, Robert and Eklund, Kenneth, (2°) Sigman, Stan and Barrett, Sandra K., (3°) Judge Lanier Racing, LLC, (4°) Miguel L. Gallegos, (5°) Patricia L. Davis, (6°) Gerald E. Marr, (7°) Paul A. Smith
Criadores: (1°) Shawn Wallis, (2°) Mike Abraham, (3°) McKenna Thoroughbreds, (4°) Miguel L. Gallegos, (5°) Dr. Patricia Davis, (6°) Gerald E. Marr, (7°) Jane Wiggins
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