Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" For Three Year Olds And Upward (3a+) 1600m Pasto (Firm) 16:36 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $54.200 Claiming (Máx): CAD $25.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $23.500
CAD $23.512 al 1ro - CAD $5.524 al 2do - CAD $3.038 al 3ro - CAD $1.657 al 4to - CAD $1.176 al 5to - CAD $361 al 6to - CAD $361 al 7mo - CAD $361 al 8vo - CAD $361 al 9no - CAD $361 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Kazushi Kimura, (2°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (3°) Austin Adams, (4°) Leo Salles, (5°) Shane Ellis, (6°) David Moran, (7°) Ryan Munger, (8°) Eswan Flores, (9°) Sahin Civaci, (10°) Jose Luis Campos, (11°) Jeffrey I. Alderson
Preparadores: (1°) Kevin Attard, (2°) Martin Drexler, (3°) Debra E. Rombis, (4°) Martin Drexler, (5°) Anthony Pottinger, (6°) David Borsk, (7°) Vito Armata, (8°) Dale A. Desruisseaux, (9°) Jim Ensom, (10°) Steven Chircop, (11°) Angus Buntain
Studs: (1°) Raroma Stable, (2°) Double B Racing Stables, (3°) DR Against the Wind, Inc, (4°) Michael Bellissimo, (5°) Austin Hinds, (6°) Lisa McCallum-Smith, (7°) Alpine Stable Ltd., (8°) Hillsbrook Farms, (9°) TEC Racing, LLC (Elliott S. Logan), (10°) Chircop, Steven and Frost, Jill, (11°) B and C Delivery
Criadores: (1°) Adena Springs, (2°) Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey, (3°) Ben Hutzel, (4°) Bridlewood Farm, (5°) Bay Ridge Orchards Limited, (6°) CESA Farm, (7°) Tenlane Farm, LLC, (8°) Garland E. Williamson, (9°) Anastasie Astrid Christiansen-Croy, (10°) River Bend Farm, Inc., (11°) Angus Buntain
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