Jinetes: (1°) Lindey Wade, (2°) Ernesto Valdez-Jiminez, (3°) Floyd Wethey, Jr., (4°) Christopher Elliott, (5°) Obed Sanchez, (6°) Chris Landeros, (7°) Rodolfo Guerra, (8°) Iram V. Diego
Preparadores: (1°) Dick Cappellucci, (2°) Ronnie E. Cravens, III, (3°) Kevin Scholl, (4°) Sarah N. Davidson, (5°) Scott E. Young, (6°) Karl Broberg, (7°) Domingo Chacaltana, (8°) Joaquin E. Garza
Studs: (1°) Dick Cappellucci, (2°) Jeffrey Thomas Hoffman, (3°) Jeffry L. Puryear and Julie Puryear, (4°) CATTTTS Family Racing, (5°) David and Tammie Bay, (6°) End Zone Athletics, Inc. (Karl Broberg and Matt Johanson), (7°) Domingo Chacaltana-Copara, (8°) Greg Klaerner
Criadores: (1°) Alex Venneri Racing, LLC, (2°) Brad Grady & Misty Grady, (3°) Dixiana Farms LLC, (4°) Judy Hicks & Kathryn Nikkel, (5°) David L. Bay & Tammie A Bay, (6°) David Cobb, (7°) Cove Springs, LLC, (8°) Leadem Farm
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