Jinetes: (1°) Mychel J. Sanchez, (2°) Anthony Y. Nunez, (3°) Carol Cedeno, (4°) Andy Hernandez Sanchez, (5°) Angel Castillo, (6°) Adam Bowman
Preparadores: (1°) Robert E. Reid, Jr., (2°) Louis C. Linder, Jr., (3°) Louis C. Linder, Jr., (4°) Daniel Velazquez, (5°) Richard Vega, (6°) Hugo O. Padilla
Studs: (1°) Cash is King LLC and LC Racing, (2°) Bran Jam Stable and Clark, David W., (3°) Bran Jam Stable and Clark, David W., (4°) Happy Tenth Stable, (5°) Equivine Farm, Louis A. Bisso Jr. and Richard Vega Racing Stable Inc., (6°) John E Parker
Criadores: (1°) Dr. & Mrs. William E. Riddle Jr., (2°) Towering Cumulus LLC & Donald Henderson, (3°) Paradise Farms Corp. & Majestic ViewFarms Intl., (4°) Dixie Farm, (5°) Equivine Farm LLC, (6°) Scott Bunker & Cynthia Bartkowski
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