Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" For registered indiana breds three year olds and upward which have never won three races (3a+g) 1700m Arena (Good) 14:30 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $15.500 Claiming: USD $10.000
USD $9.300 al 1ro - USD $3.100 al 2do - USD $1.550 al 3ro - USD $775 al 4to - USD $465 al 5to - USD $155 al 6to - USD $155 al 7mo
Jinetes: (1°) Santo Sanjur, (2°) Gage Holmes, (3°) Thomas L. Pompell, (4°) Joseph D. Ramos, (5°) Bryan Rivera, (6°) Samuel E. Bermudez, (7°) Ronald Hisby
Preparadores: (1°) Emma J. Sanchez, (2°) Genaro Garcia, (3°) Tianna Richardville, (4°) Andrew C. Brown, (5°) Stephen V. Fosdick, (6°) Chaz Rechy, (7°) James Egbert
Studs: (1°) Josefina Castanon, (2°) Southwest Racing Stables Inc., (3°) Thirstyacres Racing, LLC, (4°) Andrew C. Brown, (5°) Blaine Davidson, (6°) Chaz Rechy, (7°) Sammantha Pagels
Criadores: (1°) Gary Patrick, (2°) Deann Baer, Greg Baer DVM & Jay Goodwin, (3°) Tianna Richardville, (4°) Andy Brown, (5°) Blaine Davidson, (6°) Byron G. Hughes, (7°) Randy Haffner
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