Jinetes: (1°) Glenn W. Corbett, (2°) Alex L. Canchari, (3°) Kevin Roman, (4°) Alex Birzer, (5°) Kylee R. Jordan, (6°) Elvin Gonzalez, (7°) Cassidy D. Fletcher, (8°) Ken S. Tohill
Preparadores: (1°) Tanner Tracy, (2°) Lynn Chleborad, (3°) Tom Wellington, (4°) Gene Jacquot, (5°) Lynn Chleborad, (6°) Steven M. Asmussen, (7°) Lynn Chleborad, (8°) Schuyler Condon
Studs: (1°) Rick L. Olson, (2°) Poindexter Thoroughbreds LLC, (3°) Thompson, Maynard and Lawless, John, (4°) Prairie Gold Diggers (Carol Griffieon), (5°) Poindexter Thoroughbreds LLC (H. Allen Poindexter), (6°) Spendthrift Farm, LLC (Eric P. Gustavson), Corinne and L. William Heiligbrodt, (7°) Prairie Gold Diggers (Carol Griffieon) and Lynn Chleborad, (8°) Jill Zybach
Criadores: (1°) Rick Olson, (2°) H. Allen Poindexter, (3°) Maynard Thompson, (4°) Carol Elaine Griffieon, (5°) H. Allen Poindexter, (6°) H. Allen Poindexter, (7°) Bill Hutchins, (8°) Nick Fudge
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