Jinetes: (1°) Wilmer A. Garcia, (2°) Kylee R. Jordan, (3°) Alex Birzer, (4°) Floyd Wethey, Jr., (5°) Glenn W. Corbett, (6°) Elvin Gonzalez
Preparadores: (1°) Jon G. Arnett, (2°) Timothy E. Martin, (3°) Timothy E. Martin, (4°) Scott E. Young, (5°) Dick R. Clark, (6°) Dick R. Clark
Studs: (1°) Rodney Miller M., (2°) Meeker, Wendy, Wickesberg, Michael, Garrett, Michael and St. John, Ray, (3°) Cloud Nine Racing LLC, (4°) Blue and Gold Racing, (5°) Clark, Dick R. and Paltani, Tom, (6°) Over The Hill Stables (Dick R. Clark)
Criadores: (1°) William Stiritz, (2°) Wendy Meeker, Michael Wickesberg,Michael Garrett & Ray St. John, (3°) James H. Glover, (4°) Elm Tree Farm, LLC & Danny Bockmon, (5°) Richard Ravin, (6°) Calumet Farm
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