Jinetes: (1°) Andre Shivnarine Worrie, (2°) Keiber J. Coa, (3°) Jacqueline A. Davis, (4°) Luis E. Perez, (5°) Nazario Alvarado, (6°) Kevin Navarro, (7°) Dean J. Frates, (8°) Oscar Gomez, (9°) Emanuel De Diego
Preparadores: (1°) Jeremiah C. Englehart, (2°) James S. Acquilano, (3°) David M. Rivera, (4°) James K. Chapman, (5°) Luis Gutierrez, (6°) Alexandra Hillegass, (7°) Samuel Morales, (8°) Brooke Ficarella, (9°) Ralph D'Alessandro
Studs: (1°) Conklin, Daniel J. and Conklin, Marie, (2°) Peekaboo Stable, (3°) David M. Rivera, (4°) James K. Chapman, (5°) Scott Durgan, (6°) Guyana Rocky LLC, (7°) Maria Hiraldo T., (8°) Jeffrey Ficarella, (9°) LNM Stable
Criadores: (1°) Daniel Conklin, (2°) Jill Imperio, (3°) McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds, LLC, Spruce Lane Farm & John and Kate McMahon, (4°) Gold Square, LLC, (5°) Sequel New York, Twin Creeks &Scott Durgan, (6°) Steven H. Smith, (7°) Bloom Racing Stable, (8°) Robert Hickey, (9°) Twin Creeks Farm, Steve Golding, MelodyGolding & Dennis Steger
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