Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (3a+) 1700m Pasto (Firm) 12:40 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $43.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $40.000 Claiming (Min): USD $32.000
USD $29.670 al 1ro - USD $9.890 al 2do - USD $4.300 al 3ro - USD $2.150 al 4to - USD $1.290 al 5to - USD $860 al 6to - USD $300 al 7mo - USD $300 al 8vo
Jinetes: (1°) Horacio Karamanos, (2°) Jaime Rodriguez, (3°) Tyler Conner, (4°) Feargal Lynch, (5°) Jean C. Alvelo, (6°) Victor R. Carrasco, (7°) Jeiron Barbosa, (8°) William Humphrey
Preparadores: (1°) Robin L. Graham, (2°) Michael Merryman, (3°) Margaret Alexander, (4°) Jane Cibelli, (5°) Kelly Rubley, (6°) Rodolfo Sanchez-Salomon, (7°) Hamilton A. Smith, (8°) Norman L. Cash
Studs: (1°) Graham, Robin L. and Jones, Mary E., (2°) Vivian Rall E., (3°) Margaret Alexander, (4°) Clarke Ohrstrom, (5°) KMR Racing Stable LLC and Cassimeris, Lynn, (6°) A.R.D. Racing Stables, (7°) Kristy Wilson, (8°) Built Wright Stables, LLC.
Criadores: (1°) Mrs. Frank P. Wright, (2°) Vivian E. Rall, (3°) Edgar Scott Jr. & Jane MacElree, (4°) Clarke Ohrstrom, (5°) John R. Penn, (6°) Lady Olivia at North Cliff, LLC, (7°) Foundations Farm, (8°) Rock Brothers Breeding LLC
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