Allowance (Alw) Pr. "Allowance" Ejemplares 3 años y más (3a+) 1800m Pasto (Firm) 16:40 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $80.000
USD $44.000 al 1ro - USD $16.000 al 2do - USD $9.600 al 3ro - USD $4.800 al 4to - USD $3.200 al 5to - USD $400 al 6to - USD $400 al 7mo - USD $400 al 8vo - USD $400 al 9no - USD $400 al 10mo
Apuestas Exacta, trifecta (.50), super (.10), double wagers
Jinetes: (1°) Irad Ortiz, Jr., (2°) Manuel Franco, (3°) Joel Rosario, (4°) Luis Saez, (5°) Jose L. Ortiz, (6°) Dylan Davis, (7°) Flavien Prat, (8°) Eric Cancel, (9°) John R. Velazquez, (10°) Jose Lezcano, (11°) Javier Castellano
Preparadores: (1°) Jose M. Camejo, (2°) Brad H. Cox, (3°) Michael J. Maker, (4°) Michelle Hemingway, (5°) Jorge R. Abreu, (6°) Todd A. Pletcher, (7°) John P. Terranova, II, (8°) Linda Rice, (9°) Richard E. Schosberg, (10°) Linda Rice, (11°) Edward R. Barker
Studs: (1°) Phoenix Stable, Inc., (2°) Calumet Farm, (3°) Michael Dubb, (4°) Newtown Anner Stud Farm, (5°) Parkland Thoroughbreds, (6°) Albert Fried, Jr., (7°) Fein, Eric, (8°) Schwartz, Barry, K., (9°) Clear Stars Stable, Mitre Box Stable and Schosberg, Richard E., (10°) McMahon, Joseph G., McMahon, Anne, Lewis, Albert W., Windswept Stables and Bove, John M., (11°) Chen, Danny J., Cestaro, James and Campbell Road Stables
Criadores: (1°) McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds, LLC& Spruce Lane Farm, (2°) Masters 2013, (3°) Dr. Jerry Bilinski, (4°) Joseph Calvo, (5°) Parkland Thoroughbreds, (6°) Albert Fried Jr., (7°) Newtown Anner Stud Farm, (8°) Stonewall Farm, (9°) McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds, LLC& Spruce Lane Farm, (10°) McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds, LLC, (11°) Fergus Galvin, Marc Detampel, Jayne Johnson & Adrian Wallace
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