Allowance (Alw) Pr. "Allowance" Ejemplares 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (3a+) 1000m Arena (Rápida) 21:35 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $15.000
CAD $7.112 al 1ro - CAD $2.371 al 2do - CAD $1.399 al 3ro - CAD $593 al 4to - CAD $296 al 5to - CAD $198 al 6to - CAD $198 al 7mo - CAD $198 al 8vo - CAD $198 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Prayven Badrie, (2°) Renaldo Cumberbatch, (3°) Leroy Nelson, (4°) Antonio Whitehall, (5°) Jorge Carreno, (6°) Ronald Ali, (7°) Stanley Chadee Jr., (8°) Neville Stephenson, (9°) Leonel Camacho-Flores
Preparadores: (1°) Shelley Brown, (2°) Marvin Buffalo, (3°) Elton Dickey, (4°) Rick A. Wise, (5°) Jared Brown, (6°) Shelley Brown, (7°) Lise Pruitt, (8°) K. G. Amthor, (9°) Tiffany Husbands
Studs: (1°) Jamdown Stable and Brown, Shelly, (2°) Buffalo, Marvin and Deb, (3°) Hughes, Dr. Betty, (4°) Martin Yeroschak, (5°) Donald, Ira J. and Kachur, Kane, (6°) Brown, Shelley, The Estate of Harvey Warner, McEwen, Jean, Holborn, Steve, B and J Stable and Belle, Oslen S., (7°) True North Thoroughbreds and Arnason Farms, (8°) Kenneth C. Amthor, (9°) Hy Road Stable
Criadores: (1°) Edward A. Seltzer, (2°) Cherry Grove and Bedard Creek Stables, (3°) Dr. Betty Hughes, (4°) Destiny Oaks Of Ocala, (5°) Revocable Trust of Dr. Mikel C. Harrington & Patricia O. Harrington, (6°) Cicero Farms LLC, (7°) Cam Ziprick & Charles Fouillard, (8°) Kenneth Carl Amthor, (9°) Phipps Stable
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