Jinetes: (1°) Dylan Davis, (2°) Javier Castellano, (3°) Manuel Franco, (4°) Jose A. Gomez, (5°) Gary Richards, (6°) Luis A. Rodriguez Castro, (7°) Michael J. Luzzi
Preparadores: (1°) Rudy R. Rodriguez, (2°) Robert P. Klesaris, (3°) James T. Ryerson, (4°) Thomas Albertrani, (5°) Joseph G. Parker, (6°) Edward J. DeLauro, (7°) Bruce N. Levine
Studs: (1°) Imperio, Michael, Scuderi, Vincent S., Cotrone, Theresa and Rodriguez, Rudy R., (2°) Knollwood Stables, (3°) Shore Point Stable, (4°) Granny Reeves Stable LLC and Albertrani, Thomas, (5°) Joseph G. Parker, (6°) DLM Stables LLC, (7°) Flying P Stable
Criadores: (1°) Newtownanner Stud, (2°) Eaton & Thorne, Inc., (3°) Lawrence Dilione Jr., (4°) Peta Ryan, (5°) Barry R. Ostrager, (6°) Eaton & Thorne, Inc., (7°) Sequel NY, Twin Creeks, Michael Gallivan & Cheryl Prudhomme
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