Jinetes: (1°) Eric Cancel, (2°) Hector R. Diaz, Jr., (3°) Junior Alvarado, (4°) Trevor McCarthy, (5°) Dylan Davis, (6°) Javier Castellano, (7°) Jose Lezcano
Preparadores: (1°) Chad C. Brown, (2°) Chad C. Brown, (3°) Michael J. Maker, (4°) Christophe Clement, (5°) Chad C. Brown, (6°) Michael J. Maker, (7°) Robert N. Falcone, Jr.
Studs: (1°) Madaket Stables LLC, Wonder Stables and LaPenta, Robert V., (2°) Dubb, Michael, Madaket Stables LLC, Wonder Stables and Caruso, Michael J., (3°) Three Diamonds Farm, (4°) Reeves Thoroughbred Racing, Searles, Peter and Searles, Patty, (5°) Madaket Stables LLC, Dubb, Michael, Wonder Stables, Kisber, Michael E. and Caruso, Michael J., (6°) Nice Guys Stables, (7°) Nice Guys Stables
Criadores: (1°) Jean-Pierre Dubois, (2°) Mr. Viktor Timoshenko & Mr. AndriyMilovanov, (3°) Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey, (4°) Moonstar Farm, (5°) Haras du Mezeray, (6°) Bret Jones, (7°) George Strawbridge Jr.
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