Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más (3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 17:10 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $30.000 Claiming: USD $16.000
USD $18.000 al 1ro - USD $6.000 al 2do - USD $3.000 al 3ro - USD $1.500 al 4to - USD $900 al 5to - USD $100 al 6to - USD $100 al 7mo - USD $100 al 8vo - USD $100 al 9no - USD $100 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Brianne Culp, (2°) Tiago J. Pereira, (3°) Geovanni Franco, (4°) Travis Wales, (5°) Kelsi Harr, (6°) Chel C. Bailey, (7°) Martin Garcia, (8°) Ricardo Santana, Jr., (9°) Hugo Torres, (10°) Kylee R. Jordan, (11°) Luis S. Quinonez
Preparadores: (1°) Timothy E. Martin, (2°) John H. Prather, Jr., (3°) Richard D. Jackson, (4°) Ernie Witt II, (5°) Robert N. Cline, (6°) Burl D. McBride, (7°) Tim Dixon, (8°) Rob Atras, (9°) Edgar Espinoza, (10°) Timothy E. Martin, (11°) Allen Milligan
Studs: (1°) Timothy E. Martin, (2°) Prather, John H. and Linda K., (3°) Haas, Margaret Lanetta and Womack, Larry D., (4°) Witt, Ernie and Tucker, Robert L., (5°) Robert N. Cline, (6°) Joseph Longtin C., (7°) David Rogers T., (8°) Randy Premachuk, (9°) Edgar Espinoza, (10°) Circle Bar H LLC, (11°) Scott Newcomb
Criadores: (1°) McDowell Farm, (2°) McDowell Farm, (3°) Starfish Stable, LLC, (4°) Bill McDowell, (5°) Cody Ungles, (6°) Miguel A. Silva, (7°) David Thomas Rogers, (8°) Southern Springs Stable, (9°) Ernie Witt & Neva Witt, (10°) Circle Bar H, (11°) Gerald Prince
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