Jinetes: (1°) Armando Martinez, (2°) Scott A. Bethke, (3°) Ken S. Tohill, (4°) Kevin Roman, (5°) Jake L. Olesiak, (6°) Jarred Journet, (7°) Mike T. Luark, (8°) Dakota Wood, (9°) Adrian B. Ramos, (10°) Nathan Haar
Preparadores: (1°) Kelli Martinez, (2°) Robert J. Haar, (3°) Stetson Mitchell, (4°) Isai V. Gonzalez, (5°) Jason Wise, (6°) Joe Hawley, (7°) Gilbert W. Ecoffey, (8°) David C. Anderson, (9°) Stetson Mitchell, (10°) Robert J. Haar
Studs: (1°) D and L Farms, (2°) Dykman, Mike and Haar, Robert J., (3°) Ramsye Mitchell J., (4°) GSH Stable LLC, (5°) Waylon Delorme, (6°) Donald Hoover H., (7°) Lawrence Allen Flute, Jr., (8°) Lockhart Enterprises LLC, Kevin and Amanda Lockhart, (9°) Jayne L. Smith, (10°) Hannah Miller
Criadores: (1°) Meg Buckley, Mike Buckley & Tim Thornton, (2°) John Liviakis, (3°) Wayne McFarland, (4°) Goldmart Farms Inc, (5°) Juddmonte Farms Ltd, (6°) Claiborne Farm, (7°) Stonestreet Thoroughbred Holdings LLC, (8°) Gary & Mary West Stables, Inc., (9°) Center Hills Farm, (10°) B. D. Gibbs Farm, LLC
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