Allowance Optional Claiming (Aoc) Pr. "Allowance Optional Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años (3a) 1200m Pasto (Firm) 13:37 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $69.000 Claiming: USD $50.000
USD $41.400 al 1ro - USD $13.800 al 2do - USD $8.280 al 3ro - USD $4.140 al 4to - USD $1.380 al 5to - USD $500 al 6to - USD $500 al 7mo - USD $500 al 8vo
Apuestas $1 exacta /$0.50 trifecta / $2 rolling double $0.50 rolling pick three (races 3-4-5) $0.10 superfecta / $1 super hi 5
Jinetes: (1°) Flavien Prat, (2°) Diego A. Herrera, (3°) Kyle Frey, (4°) Edwin A. Maldonado, (5°) Christopher A. Emigh, (6°) Ryan Curatolo, (7°) Abel Cedillo, (8°) Tyler Baze
Preparadores: (1°) Richard Baltas, (2°) George Papaprodromou, (3°) Doug F. O'Neill, (4°) Brian J. Koriner, (5°) Jorge Periban, (6°) Jorge Periban, (7°) Walther Solis, (8°) Edwin Alvarez
Studs: (1°) KMN Racing LLC, (2°) R L Stables, (3°) Boat Racing, LLC, Dube, Abraham, O'Neill, Dennis and Strauss, William, (4°) Brown, Jr., Edward J., Klein, Alan P. and Lebherz, Phillip, (5°) Tricar Stables, Inc., (6°) Paul Sabesky, (7°) Beckerle, Tom, Carrillo, Saul and Lovingier, Terry C., (8°) Edwin Alvarez G.
Criadores: (1°) KMN Racing, LLC, (2°) Kathleen Kennedy, (3°) William Kerr & Jared Kerr, (4°) Premier Thoroughbreds LLC, (5°) Terry C. Lovingier, Amanda Navarro & Gregorio Rincon, (6°) George Krikorian, (7°) Terry C. Lovingier, (8°) Milt Policzer
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