Jinetes: (1°) Jose Valdivia, Jr., (2°) Christopher A. Emigh, (3°) Edgar Perez, (4°) Anthony Y. Nunez, (5°) Olaf Hernandez, (6°) Jose E. Lopez, (7°) Santo Sanjur
Preparadores: (1°) Chris M. Block, (2°) Frank J. Kirby, (3°) John Rednour, Jr., (4°) Manny Perez, (5°) Rodolfo Aguilar, (6°) Steve Fridley, (7°) Brian Williamson
Studs: (1°) Five Sons Racing and Marko, Kevin, (2°) FJK Stables LLC, Zirngibl, III, Richard and Callahan, Timothy, (3°) John Rednour, Jr., (4°) Criselda Martinez, (5°) Francisco Villa, (6°) American Star Racing Stable, (7°) Vanier, Nancy A. and D.N.J. Racing Stable
Criadores: (1°) Jared Chappell, (2°) Sharon Kirby, (3°) Brereton C. Jones, (4°) James Pope & El Corredor Syndicate, (5°) Mueller Farms, Inc., (6°) American Star Racing Stable, LLC, Bill Charnisky & Linda Charnisky, (7°) Nancy Vanier
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