Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 4 años y más (h4a+) 1600m Arena (Rápida) 15:05 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $26.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $12.500 Claiming (Min): USD $10.500
USD $15.600 al 1ro - USD $5.200 al 2do - USD $3.120 al 3ro - USD $1.560 al 4to - USD $520 al 5to - USD $500 al 6to - USD $500 al 7mo
Apuestas $1 exacta / $0.50 trifecta / $2 rolling double $0.50 rolling pick three (races 6-7-8) $0.50 late pick 4 (races 6-7-8-9) / $0.10 superfecta / $1 super hi 5
Jinetes: (1°) Edwin A. Maldonado, (2°) Kent J. Desormeaux, (3°) Abel Cedillo, (4°) Tyler Baze, (5°) Juan J. Hernandez, (6°) Kyle Frey, (7°) Diego A. Herrera
Preparadores: (1°) Robert B. Hess, Jr., (2°) Vladimir Cerin, (3°) Steve Knapp, (4°) Lorenzo Ruiz, (5°) Eddie Truman, (6°) Reed Saldana, (7°) Doug F. O'Neill
Studs: (1°) Cady, Todd, Lambert, Jeffrey, Melen, Steve, Sigband, Nydia M., Smith, Virginia, Steeper, Jan and Woods, Gary, (2°) Cohen, Stuart, Graves, Stephanie, Pellman, Harry and Seymour, Lauri, (3°) Thomsen Racing, LLC, (4°) Belico Racing LLC and Lorenzo Ruiz, (5°) Howard and Janet Siegel Racing LLC, (6°) 5th Street Stables, (7°) Coast Racing, Westside Racing Stable, Wonderland Racing Stables, LLC, O'Neill, Doug F. and Rothblum, Steve
Criadores: (1°) Cowboy Stables, LLC, (2°) Mr. & Mrs. Broussard Hundley, (3°) Green Lantern Stables, LLC, (4°) Harris Farms, (5°) W. S. Farish & Kilroy Thoroughbred Partnership, (6°) C-Punch Ranch Inc., (7°) Jay W. Bligh
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