Optional Claiming (Ocl) Pr. "Optional Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras o un allowance para nacidos en Ontario (h3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 15:33 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $60.300 Claiming: CAD $40.000
CAD $24.752 al 1ro - CAD $6.876 al 2do - CAD $4.538 al 3ro - CAD $2.927 al 4to - CAD $1.031 al 5to - CAD $324 al 6to - CAD $324 al 7mo - CAD $324 al 8vo - CAD $324 al 9no - CAD $324 al 10mo
Retiros: (3)Bodacious Miss, (7)Careless Heiress, (10)Frame This
Tiempo: 01.10.81 1200m Arena (Rápida)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(6) Souper Pecan
(12) Swirling Dancer
(14) Moonlit Silence
(6-12) 162.15 - 76454
(6-12-14) 335.67 - 60797
(6-12-14-13) 2695.04 - 44530
Daily Double
(8-6) 73.80 - 9863
Favorito: (9)Imagery
Mandiles: 6, 12, 14, 13, 11, 2, 4, 8, 9, 1, 5
Jinetes: (1°) Mauricio Malvaez, (2°) Ademar Santos, (3°) Gary Boulanger, (4°) Luis Contreras, (5°) Antonio A. Gallardo, (6°) Juan Crawford, (7°) Keveh Nicholls, (8°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (9°) Kazushi Kimura, (10°) David Moran, (11°) Simon P. Husbands
Preparadores: (1°) George Billers, (2°) Richard L. Morden, (3°) Michael J. Doyle, (4°) Darren C. Glennon, (5°) Darren C. Glennon, (6°) Beverley Chubb, (7°) Steve Attard, (8°) Catherine Day Phillips, (9°) Michael J. Trombetta, (10°) Paul M. Buttigieg, (11°) Randy O. Thompson
Studs: (1°) Oak Run Racing Inc., (2°) C S Dowson Farms, (3°) C. Scott Abbott Racing Stable Ltd., (4°) Ronald House K., (5°) Commonwealth New Era Racing, (6°) Shamrock Racing Stable, Ltd. and Beverley Chubb, (7°) Racing Canada, Inc., Pettle, Sheldon and Sharpe, Gilbert, (8°) Hubert Vester, (9°) Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners, (10°) Buttigieg Training Centre and Goodman, Jimmy W., (11°) Thompson, Susan, McMullan, John and Thompson, Randy
Criadores: (1°) Bonnie A. Rowntree &Jacqueline Armstrong, (2°) Adena Springs, (3°) C. Scott Abbott Racing Stable, (4°) Dr. R. K. House, (5°) Thomas L. Teal, (6°) Shamrock Racing Stable LTD., (7°) Harry Landry & James Hogan, (8°) Hubert Vester, (9°) Brandywine Farm (Jim & Pam Robinson), (10°) Paul Buttigieg & James Goodman, (11°) Walnut Ridge Farm
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