Jinetes: (1°) Rico W. Walcott, (2°) Enrique A. Gonzalez, (3°) Jose Mariano Asencio, (4°) Silvino Morales, (5°) Antonio A. Reyes, (6°) Anastasios Chalaris, (7°) Mauricio Malvaez, (8°) Andre Martin
Preparadores: (1°) Craig R. Smith, (2°) Tim Rycroft, (3°) Milton Palma, (4°) Greg Tracy, (5°) Edgar Mendoza, (6°) Jodey Payne, (7°) Jodey Payne, (8°) Tim Rycroft
Studs: (1°) True North Stable and Graham Thoroughbreds, (2°) Cates, Crystal and Anderson, Gonzalo, (3°) Mohamad Khan and Milton Palma, (4°) Don Danard B., (5°) Tod Mountain Thoroughbreds, (6°) C and H Duggan Farms Ltd., (7°) C and H Duggan Farms Ltd., (8°) Reller, Eric and Reller, Michelle
Criadores: (1°) Woodford Thoroughbreds, (2°) Moonshine Meadow Ranch, (3°) Springland Farm & Burden Creek Farm LLC, (4°) Oak Leaf Farm TCLP, (5°) Tod Mtn. Thoroughbreds, (6°) C & H Duggan Farms, (7°) C & H Duggan Farms, (8°) Eric Reller & Michelle Reller
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