Maiden (Msw) Pr. "Maiden" Hembras 3 años y más no ganadoras (h3a+p) 1700m Pasto (Good) 17:16 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $123.200
CAD $33.428 al 1ro - CAD $11.143 al 2do - CAD $8.764 al 3ro - CAD $4.780 al 4to - CAD $2.390 al 5to - CAD $318 al 6to - CAD $318 al 7mo - CAD $318 al 8vo - CAD $318 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (2°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (3°) Justin Stein, (4°) Antonio A. Gallardo, (5°) Keveh Nicholls, (6°) Steven R. Bahen, (7°) Skye Chernetz, (8°) Omar Moreno, (9°) Christopher Husbands
Preparadores: (1°) Darwin D. Banach, (2°) Roger L. Attfield, (3°) Kevin Attard, (4°) Sylvain Pion, (5°) Catherine Day Phillips, (6°) Rachel Halden, (7°) David Cotey, (8°) Sylvain Pion, (9°) Ian Black
Studs: (1°) Georg D. Morgan, (2°) Carolyn Friedberg K., (3°) Yvonne Schwabe, (4°) Cunningham, Walter E. and Pion, Terri L., (5°) Fitzhenry, Sean and Dorothy, (6°) Chiefswood Stables Limited, (7°) Big Z Thoroughbred Racing and Cotey, David, (8°) Douglas Reddington J., (9°) Janet Black and Audrey Frigerio (Minor)
Criadores: (1°) Alastar Thoroughbred Company, LLC, (2°) R. S. Evans, (3°) Yvonne Schwabe Thoroughbreds, (4°) Douglas J. Reddington, (5°) Sean Fitzhenry, (6°) Chiefswood Stables Limited, (7°) Andrew Stronach, (8°) KatieRich Farms, (9°) Ellie Boje Farm
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