Jinetes: (1°) David Cabrera, (2°) John Bisono, (3°) Ramon A. Vazquez, (4°) Kevin Roman, (5°) Chya Johnstone, (6°) Floyd Wethey, Jr., (7°) Glenn W. Corbett, (8°) Larren Delorme
Preparadores: (1°) Federico Villafranco, (2°) Timothy E. Martin, (3°) Karl Broberg, (4°) Daniel Coughlin, (5°) Karl Broberg, (6°) Schuyler Condon, (7°) William N. Martin, (8°) Daniel Coughlin
Studs: (1°) Danny R. Caldwell, (2°) Morgan, Rodney L. and Seitz, Mike, (3°) End Zone Athletics, Inc., (4°) Michael N. Corey, (5°) End Zone Athletics, Inc., (6°) Tim Szynskie, (7°) Thiel, John F., Thiel, Libbie E. and Martin Brothers, Inc., (8°) Daniels, Dwight and Hurley, Kenneth
Criadores: (1°) William T. Reed, (2°) Eduardo Terrazas, Lynn Jones & Christopher Creech, (3°) H. Allen Poindexter, (4°) Michael N. Corey, (5°) Mr. & Mrs. Barry Butzow, (6°) Carl Walker, (7°) John Thiel & Libbie Thiel, (8°) Douglas Kent Daniels
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