Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" 3yo or more (3a+) 1700m Sintética (Regular) 18:44 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $20.800 Claiming (Máx): CAD $16.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $15.000
CAD $9.523 al 1ro - CAD $3.816 al 2do - CAD $1.746 al 3ro - CAD $952 al 4to - CAD $668 al 5to - CAD $305 al 6to - CAD $305 al 7mo - CAD $305 al 8vo - CAD $305 al 9no - CAD $305 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Skye Chernetz, (2°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (3°) Gary Boulanger, (4°) Kazushi Kimura, (5°) Sunny Singh, (6°) Luis Contreras, (7°) David Moran, (8°) Jeffrey I. Alderson, (9°) Christopher Husbands, (10°) Kirk Johnson, (11°) Daisuke Fukumoto
Preparadores: (1°) Justin J. Nixon, (2°) Catherine Day Phillips, (3°) Joseph F. Walls, (4°) Michael J. Doyle, (5°) Tony M. Gattellaro, (6°) Jason Marrocco, (7°) Ashlee Brnjas, (8°) Sam Di Pasquale, (9°) Blair A. Miller, (10°) Greg D. Cox, (11°) Margaret Denney
Studs: (1°) Seltzer, Edward A. and Anderson, Beverly S., (2°) Anderson Farms Ontario Inc., (3°) Walls, Carol J. and Michael K., (4°) Gale, Dan and Hogan, Richard, (5°) Polo Management Services, (6°) Ferreira Stables, (7°) Colebrook Farms, (8°) Pine Valley Training Centre, Inc., (9°) Maplehaven Equestrian Center, (10°) Murray Stable, McCallum-Smith, Lisa and Cox, Cindy, (11°) Kimberley A. Stipe
Criadores: (1°) Edward Seltzer & Darley, (2°) Anderson Farms Ont Inc., (3°) Kathie Maybee, (4°) David E. Hager II, (5°) Brian O'Leary, (6°) Frank Coulter, Elizabeth Roach & Sam-Son Farm, Stallion Division, (7°) Colebrook Farms, (8°) Kelly Charters, (9°) Kingsgate Stud & Cedarcrest Farm, (10°) Domenic Triumbari, (11°) Andy Stronach & Wally Pugh
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