Bolsa de Premios: USD $57.000 Claiming: USD $75.000
USD $24.000 al 1ro - USD $11.400 al 2do - USD $5.300 al 3ro - USD $1.600 al 4to - USD $500 al 5to - USD $500 al 6to - USD $500 al 7mo - USD $500 al 8vo - USD $500 al 9no - USD $500 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Irad Ortiz, Jr., (2°) John R. Velazquez, (3°) Tyler Gaffalione, (4°) Nik Juarez, (5°) Jose L. Ortiz, (6°) Charles C. Lopez, (7°) Albin Jimenez, (8°) Romero R. Maragh, (9°) Luis Saez, (10°) Javier Castellano, (11°) Miguel A. Vasquez
Preparadores: (1°) Jason Servis, (2°) Gilberto Zerpa, (3°) Mark E. Casse, (4°) John C. Servis, (5°) Edward Plesa, Jr., (6°) Allen Iwinski, (7°) Eduardo Caramori, (8°) Leon Minott, (9°) Thomas Albertrani, (10°) Todd A. Pletcher, (11°) Anthony Pecoraro
Studs: (1°) West, Gary and West, Mary, (2°) GV21 Entertainment LLC, (3°) Gary Barber, (4°) James Morrissey, III, (5°) Melin, David, Ellman, Leon and Plesa, Laurie, (6°) PVC Stables LLC and Allen Iwinski LLC, (7°) Go-To-Toga Racing, LLC, (8°) Span Investments, Inc., Crichton, Camille and Jam Rock Syndicate, (9°) Robert Masiello, (10°) Three Diamonds Farm, (11°) A. Delaperriere Stables, LLC
Criadores: (1°) Gary & Mary West Stables, Inc., (2°) William F. Murphy & Annabel Murphy, (3°) Rusty Kindratiw, (4°) Pope McLean, Pope McLean Jr. & MarcMcLean, (5°) Marion G. Montanari, (6°) Dixiana Farms, LLC, (7°) James A Everatt, Janeane A Everatt & J Arika Everatt-Meeuse, (8°) James A. Justiss, (9°) Craig L Wheeler, (10°) Three Diamond Farm, (11°) A. Delaperrier Stable LLC
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