Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 4 años y más (h4a+) 1100m Arena (Rápida) 16:24 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $12.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $12.500 Claiming (Min): USD $10.500
USD $7.200 al 1ro - USD $2.400 al 2do - USD $1.440 al 3ro - USD $720 al 4to - USD $450 al 5to - USD $450 al 6to - USD $450 al 7mo - USD $450 al 8vo - USD $450 al 9no
Apuestas $1 exacta / $0.50 trifecta $1 superfecta (.10 min) / $1 rolling super high five leg 4 of the $1 golden hour pick 4 leg 2 of the $5 golden hour double (starts with race 8 at santa anita)
Jinetes: (1°) Armando Ayuso, (2°) William Antongeorgi III, (3°) Assael Espinoza, (4°) Kyle Frey, (5°) David C. Lopez, (6°) Frank T. Alvarado, (7°) Brayan Pena, (8°) Kevin E. Orozco, (9°) Evin A. Roman
Preparadores: (1°) Andreas Psarras, (2°) Pablo A. De Jesus, (3°) Vann Belvoir, (4°) Jamey R. Thomas, (5°) Robert B. Hess, Jr., (6°) Steven Specht, (7°) Gloria Haley, (8°) Miguel A. Ramirez, (9°) Jonathan Wong
Studs: (1°) Psarras, Andreas and Smith, Rodney, (2°) Robert Allen O., (3°) Stuart Tsujimoto, (4°) Hall, Jason and Baker, Stephen, (5°) Davis, Terry, Mueller, Martin, Robershaw, Richie and Underhill, Peter G., (6°) Grigsby, Jim and Moon, Stacy, (7°) Larry Odbert, (8°) Milburn, David and Muldoon, Donald, (9°) Joe Turner
Criadores: (1°) Andreas Psarras, (2°) Andrew Stronach, (3°) Trackside Farm & Chet Blackey, (4°) J. F. Webb, (5°) Dr. John E. Little, (6°) Jim Grigsby Jr. & Stacy Moon, (7°) Victoria Polzin & Jeanne Bowers-Lepore, (8°) David G. Campbell, (9°) Joe Turner
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