Starter Allowance (Str) Pr. "Starter Allowance" Hembras 3 años y más que hayan participado en un claiming de $5,000 o menos en 2019 - 2020 (h3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 19:13 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $14.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $5.000
USD $8.400 al 1ro - USD $2.800 al 2do - USD $1.260 al 3ro - USD $560 al 4to - USD $140 al 5to - USD $140 al 6to - USD $140 al 7mo - USD $140 al 8vo - USD $140 al 9no - USD $140 al 10mo
Retiros: (10)Miss Pinkerton, (13)Superstar Diva, (14)Je Suis Belle
Tiempo: 01.11.35 1200m Arena (Rápida)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(6) Faith Factor
(11) Dance Or Stroll
(7) Sacred Storm
(6-11) 36.00 - 94399
(6-11-7) 62.45 - 65866
(6-11-7-8) 71.82 - 49766
Daily Double
(8-6) 109.90 - 10427
Favorito: (11)Dance Or Stroll
Mandiles: 6, 11, 7, 8, 3, 9, 2, 5, 1, 12, 4
Jinetes: (1°) Jermaine V. Bridgmohan, (2°) Santiago Gonzalez, (3°) Perry W. Ouzts, (4°) Carlos A. Diaz, (5°) Gerardo Corrales, (6°) Reylu Gutierrez, (7°) Rocco Bowen, (8°) Agustin Gomez, (9°) Angel Serpa, (10°) Rodney A. Prescott, (11°) Fernando De La Cruz
Preparadores: (1°) Gerald E. Brooks, (2°) Gerald E. Brooks, (3°) Larry E. Smith, (4°) Melvin Jackson, (5°) Douglas W. Danner, (6°) Timothy Austin, (7°) Freddie D. Winston, (8°) Maria E. Pinzon, (9°) George S. Bush, (10°) Jamie L. Grubbs, (11°) William Stinson, Jr.
Studs: (1°) Gerald Brooks E., (2°) Roger Simons, Jr., (3°) Andrew McKenzie, (4°) Melvin Jackson, (5°) Andrew D. Janszen, (6°) Scott and Frank Racing, LLC, (7°) Freddie Winston, (8°) Javier Martinez, (9°) Country Acres Stables LLC, (10°) Geraci, Tim and McSurley, Daniel, (11°) Bolerjack, James and Bridwell, William
Criadores: (1°) Lochlow Farm, (2°) Barak Farm, (3°) Stoneway, LLC, (4°) Thomas/Burleson, (5°) Marvin Little Jr., (6°) Peter Scott Reiman, (7°) Scott A. Stephens, Betsy T. Wells &Charlie Ethington III, (8°) Rhianon Farms, Inc, (9°) Gary F. House, (10°) Xavier International Bloodstock LLC, (11°) Glenn Bridwell & James Bolerjack
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