Jinetes: (1°) Rebecca G. LaBarre, (2°) Forest Boyce, (3°) J. D. Acosta, (4°) Angel Cruz, (5°) Katie Davis, (6°) Trevor McCarthy, (7°) Sheldon Russell
Preparadores: (1°) Marco P. Salazar, (2°) Patrick F. Nuesch, (3°) John L. Stahlin, (4°) Claudio A. Gonzalez, (5°) Bobby L. Plummer, (6°) Michael Merryman, (7°) Dale Capuano
Studs: (1°) Christine The Greek, Lucid Dream Racing and Yau, Alberto, (2°) Sam English, II E., (3°) John Stahlin L., (4°) Joseph E. Besecker, (5°) Bobby Plummer Lee, (6°) The Orebanks, (7°) Super C Racing Inc.
Criadores: (1°) Ramona Thomson, (2°) Sam E. English II, (3°) E. H. Beau Lane III, (4°) Leverett S. Miller & Linda B. Miller, (5°) Shamrock Farm, (6°) Mrs. Gerald A. Nielsen, (7°) Michael Horning & Debbie Horning
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