Jinetes: (1°) Denny Velazquez, (2°) Andrew R. Ramgeet, (3°) Glenn W. Corbett, (4°) Francisco Arrieta, (5°) Scott A. Stevens, (6°) Mckenzie King, (7°) David G. Lopez, (8°) Richard E. Lull
Preparadores: (1°) Clay Brinson, (2°) Tina Ramgeet, (3°) Dan L. McFarlane, (4°) Robertino Diodoro, (5°) Jeffrey Metz, (6°) Paul Lebsock, Jr., (7°) Robertino Diodoro, (8°) Edward J. Kereluk
Studs: (1°) Terry Hamilton, (2°) Team Ramgeet Racing Stable LLC, (3°) Metzger, Sr., Tom and Owlcatraz Racing Stable, (4°) BG Stables and Shaby, Selman, (5°) Saratoga West, Craig, Russell, Russell, Ellie and Ortega, Jr., Alex, (6°) Paul Lebsock, Jr., (7°) Desert Sun Stables, (8°) Clay R. Sides
Criadores: (1°) Calumet Farm, (2°) Catesby W. Clay Investment LLC, (3°) Willard Burbach, (4°) Dr. Hiram Polk & Dr. J. David Richardson, (5°) Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Kaster, (6°) Darley, (7°) Jim Wells & Candy Meadows LLC, (8°) B.P.N.
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