Retiros: (0)Embraceyourdestiny, (0)Ruffy Stick, (0)Superbad Warning, (0)The Ghost of Dixie
Tiempo: 0.58.28 1000m Arena (Regular)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(6) Roll Back the Time
(4) Sabotare
(9) Ali's Ruckas
(6-4) 10.80 - 31234
(6-4-9) 68.00 - 18943
(6-4-9-3) 14.13 - 18818
Favorito: (6)Roll Back the Time
Mandiles: 6, 4, 9, 3, 8, 2, 5, 7
Jinetes: (1°) Shane Laviolette, (2°) Elvin Gonzalez, (3°) Francisco Amparan, (4°) Jansen Melancon, (5°) Enrique Garcia, (6°) Ricardo Jaime, (7°) Gustavo Herrera, (8°) Miguel A. Perez
Preparadores: (1°) Todd W. Fincher, (2°) Dick Cappellucci, (3°) Johnnie L. Nall, (4°) Dan H. Dennison, (5°) Bennie L. Woolley, Jr., (6°) Andres Gonzalez, (7°) Lonnie H. Vaughn, (8°) Frankie H. Martinez
Studs: (1°) Dale F. Taylor Racing, LLC. and Kirby, Suzanne, (2°) UKUSA Stables, (3°) Lucky Six, Inc., (4°) Buechler, Danna and Dennison, Dan H., (5°) Mitchell W. Cathey, (6°) Sweeten, Amanda and Anaya, Nathaniel, (7°) Lonnie Vaughn H., (8°) Mike Abraham
Criadores: (1°) Fred Alexander & Todd Fincher, (2°) Larry Nichols & Denise Nichols, (3°) Lucky Six Inc., (4°) Danna Buechler & Dan Dennison, (5°) Cleber J Massey, (6°) Fred Alexander, Todd Fincher & King Brad, (7°) JT & B Racing, (8°) Mike Abraham
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