Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más (3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 14:36 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $24.100 Claiming (Máx): CAD $7.500 Claiming (Min): CAD $7.000
CAD $11.039 al 1ro - CAD $2.596 al 2do - CAD $1.428 al 3ro - CAD $1.104 al 4to - CAD $552 al 5to - CAD $305 al 6to - CAD $305 al 7mo - CAD $305 al 8vo - CAD $305 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Luis Contreras, (2°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (3°) MarkLee Z. Buchanan, (4°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (5°) Kirk Johnson, (6°) Justin Stein, (7°) Ismael E. Mosqueira, (8°) Juan Crawford, (9°) Sahin Civaci
Preparadores: (1°) Darwin D. Banach, (2°) Martin Drexler, (3°) Ravendra B. Raghunath, (4°) Allen Desruisseaux, (5°) Debra E. Rombis, (6°) Norman McKnight, (7°) W. V. Armata, (8°) Sam Parro, (9°) Sylvain Pion
Studs: (1°) JWS Farms, (2°) Rowbotham, D. and Partners, (3°) Eric Raghunath M., (4°) Maureen Hewitt-Topp E., (5°) DR Against the Wind, Inc, (6°) Massis, Tommy and Radawetz, Kyle, (7°) Alpine Stable Ltd., (8°) Sam Parro, (9°) Jim Laskosky
Criadores: (1°) William Andrew Sorokolit Jr., (2°) Penny Conrad & Manfred Conrad, (3°) Red Sunset Farm, (4°) True North Stable, (5°) Fieldstone Farms Inc., (6°) Huntington Stud Farm Corp., (7°) Albert Peter Coppola & The StormyAtlantic Syndicate, (8°) Osprey Stable, (9°) Heather M. Takahashi
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