Starter Optional Claiming (Soc) Pr. "Starter Optional Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más que hayan participado en un claiming de $25,000 o menos en 2019 - 2020 o un claiming de $40,000 (3a+) 2200m Pasto (Firm) 17:58 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $45.185 Claiming (Máx): CAD $40.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $25.000
CAD $27.291 al 1ro - CAD $8.948 al 2do - CAD $4.101 al 3ro - CAD $2.237 al 4to - CAD $1.118 al 5to - CAD $298 al 6to - CAD $298 al 7mo - CAD $298 al 8vo - CAD $298 al 9no - CAD $298 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (2°) Kazushi Kimura, (3°) Steven R. Bahen, (4°) Darryll P. Holland, (5°) Patrick Husbands, (6°) Leo Salles, (7°) Jerome Lermyte, (8°) Keveh Nicholls, (9°) David Moran, (10°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (11°) Hannah R. Twomey, (12°) Juan Crawford, (13°) Nikki Alderson
Preparadores: (1°) Sylvain Pion, (2°) Michael P. De Paulo, (3°) Ashlee Brnjas, (4°) Angus Buntain, (5°) Josie Carroll, (6°) Sylvain Pion, (7°) Breeda Hayes, (8°) Ronald H. Sadler, (9°) John Mattine, (10°) Kevin Attard, (11°) Jennifer Shafer, (12°) Edwin F. Knight, (13°) Daryl G. Ezra
Studs: (1°) 4U Thoroughbred Racing Stable Inc., (2°) Samotowka Stables, (3°) Colebrook Farms, (4°) B and C Delivery, (5°) Earle I. Mack LLC, (6°) Cunningham, Walter E. and Pion, Terri L., (7°) Hillsbrook Farms, (8°) Phillip Lanning, (9°) Realm Racing Stables, (10°) Chesney, Stephen and Hoffman, Cory S., (11°) Deron Budhoo, (12°) Edwin Knight F., (13°) Karina Shaak
Criadores: (1°) Colebrook Farms, (2°) Liam Gannon, (3°) Charles Fipke, (4°) William Sorokolit, (5°) Earle I. Mack, LLC, (6°) Douglas J. Reddington, (7°) Garland E. Williamson, (8°) John Carey & Phillip Lanning, (9°) Joey Gee Thoroughbreds, (10°) Runnymede Farm Inc., (11°) H. Lothian, (12°) Kathie Maybee, (13°) Al Ulwelling & Bill Ulwelling
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