Allowance (Alw) Pr. "Allowance" For registered new mexico bred four year olds and upward which have never won three races (4a+g) 1200m Arena (Good) 15:33 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $33.100
USD $19.860 al 1ro - USD $6.620 al 2do - USD $3.310 al 3ro - USD $1.655 al 4to - USD $993 al 5to - USD $662 al 6to
Jinetes: (1°) Miguel T. Fuentes, Jr., (2°) Roimes Chirinos, (3°) Francisco Arrieta, (4°) Luis Contreras, (5°) Ry Eikleberry, (6°) Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr., (7°) Elvin Gonzalez, (8°) Alfredo Sigala, (9°) Luis Negron
Preparadores: (1°) Joel H. Marr, (2°) Gary W. Cross, (3°) Michael K. Barber, (4°) Tony E. Sedillo, (5°) Susan F. Arnett, (6°) James B. Padgett, II, (7°) Simon J. Buechler, (8°) D. D. Meridyth, (9°) Jose A. Gonzalez
Studs: (1°) Robison, J. Kirk and Judy, (2°) Derrick Jenkins W., (3°) Gertie Mills, (4°) Marshall, Betty, Ogden, Randy, Ziegler, Rick L. and Taylor, Lonnie J., (5°) Kenny Sharp W., (6°) Abraham, Mike and Amestoy, Leslie and Amestoy, Jr., Pierre J., (7°) Stephenson, Jim and Kellum, Ron, (8°) Robertson Sr., William R. and Robertson Jr., William R., (9°) John Buffington
Criadores: (1°) J. Kirk Robison & Judy Robison, (2°) Derrick Jenkins, (3°) Gertie Mills, (4°) Dr. Terry Bill Adams, (5°) Kenny W. Sharp, (6°) Pierre Amestoy, Leslie Amestoy & Mike Abraham, (7°) Michael G. Weatherly, (8°) BCC Partners, (9°) Michael Jensen
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