Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 4 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (4a+) 1600m Arena (Rápida) 20:12 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $13.860 Claiming (Máx): USD $15.000 Claiming (Min): USD $10.000
USD $8.400 al 1ro - USD $2.800 al 2do - USD $1.260 al 3ro - USD $560 al 4to - USD $140 al 5to - USD $140 al 6to - USD $140 al 7mo - USD $140 al 8vo - USD $140 al 9no - USD $140 al 10mo
Retiros: (11)Pioneer Dancer, (13)Shine On, (14)Sunday Drive
Tiempo: 01.41.21 1600m Arena (Rápida)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(4) Aqualityindividual
(7) Tomahawk Kitten
(2) Echo Alpha Six
(4-7) 821.20 - 35684
(4-7-2) 1818.60 - 25725
(4-7-2-1) 8073.56 - 20864
Daily Double
(11-4) 316.40 - 7710
Favorito: (5)Moonster
Mandiles: 4, 7, 2, 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 5
Jinetes: (1°) Azael De Leon, (2°) Jose Riquelme, (3°) Gabriel Lagunes, (4°) Sonny Leon, (5°) Albin Jimenez, (6°) Leandro D. Goncalves, (7°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (8°) Joseph D. Ramos, (9°) Angel Serpa, (10°) Alan Garcia, (11°) Abel Lezcano
Preparadores: (1°) Tianna Richardville, (2°) Kathy Jarvis, (3°) Claudie M. Godsey, Jr., (4°) Jeffrey D. Thornbury, (5°) William E. Morey, (6°) April Thorpe, (7°) Michael J. Maker, (8°) Ben Colebrook, (9°) Anthony Stephen, (10°) Charles LoPresti, (11°) Jose Fernandez
Studs: (1°) Red Shed Thoroughbred, LLC and Thirstyacres Racing, LLC, (2°) AFM Stables Limited, (3°) Randall Davidson, (4°) Sunnyside Farm, (5°) Cuyathy LLC, (6°) April Thorpe, (7°) Martin, Perry and Martin, Denise, (8°) Catherine Wills M., (9°) Sanjay Sirju, (10°) Mooncoin LLC, (11°) Calumet Farm
Criadores: (1°) Bellwood Stables LLC, (2°) Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey, (3°) Allied Racing Stable, LLC, (4°) Bonnie Heath Farm, LLC, (5°) Pam & Martin Wygod, (6°) Gainesway Thoroughbreds Ltd., (7°) Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Williams, (8°) Dr. Catherine Wills, (9°) Fred W. Hertrich lll & John D. Fielding, (10°) Mr. & Mrs. Bayne Welker Jr. & W.S.Farish, (11°) Mark Stansell
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